1/4 Completely torn hamstring injury

(2 discussions)

Last April I tore my hamstring playing softball. Approximately 1/4 of the muscle ripped clean and rolled into a balled up behind teh center of my hamstring.
This injury is just about a year old and after being a former marathoner has limited my runs to under 3 miles.
The injury also has caused serious flexibility problems and other leg problems. I am curious if anyone has ever worked with a partial complete tear of the hamstring and what my expectations should be.My orthopediast said I shouldn’t have surgery to reattach becaus eit is only aabout a 1/4 of my muscle and that it cold be a 2 year recovery period.Does that sound accurate?



    9 10

    : Does that sound accurate? Steve: What has been the progress/outcome of your partially torn hamstring?


      9 10

      : : Does that sound accurate? : Steve: What has been the progress/outcome of your partially torn hamstring? I am not sure if I pulled or tore mine, but I did something to mine as well also playing softball. I did it while diving for a ball and my whole back of my let from the back of my knee to under my buttocks was purple and swollen and so tight. It has been over a year and a half since this has happened and still I feel pain. I can not fully bend over to touch my toes and it hurts to stretch it. My hamstring remains tight and I’m not sure if it will ever heal on its own or if i’ll need surgery. I too am interested in feedback.Daniel


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