Achiles Tendon irritation

I, too, am an avid cyclist.
For the past year I’ve built up my riding so that I could do a 100 mile ride without any troubles – and, in fact, have ridden at least 1 “century ride” every month of the year.
Three weeks ago I embarked on a 1300km+ ride – 7 days averaging about 120miles/day.
At the end of day 5 I started to experience pain in my left achiles tendon.
I couldn’t ride the last 2 days.
I’ve taken the last 3 weeks off and went to ride this morning, and with only 3 miles in, had to turn around as I could feel “something” in that tendon again.
No pain yet, but I could tell it was developing.
Any suggestions??

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Bonnie, you did not say but did you have the permanent removal? If so, it is possible that you have a nail spicule…part of the nail is growing back and shouldn’t be. Has the doctor explored the area? The Cipro should help the infection but you have to check the underlying cause. Good luck!Misti


      9 10

      : Good luck!: MistiMisti, it was supposed to have been the permanent removal (root & all). The way it is acting, I have suspected ‘something’ is in there. IF what you say is so, then I wonder what might be done about it. My next appt is 2/25. Thanks!Bonnie

        Vivian Abrams DPM

        9 10

        : : Good luck!: : Misti: Misti, it was supposed to have been the permanent removal (root & all). The way it is acting, I have suspected ‘something’ is in there. IF what you say is so, then I wonder what might be done about it. My next appt is 2/25.: Thanks!: BonnieBonnie,When that happens in our office, we renumb the toe and the reuse the chemical in order to kill the nail spicule. Sometimes, not often, a little spike of nail will regrown because the chemical did not reach it. After the re-do, very rarely is there a recurrence. Good luck,Misti


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