Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    This is impossible to answer from a position of authority. That would require a double blinded study of 2 groups of patients etc etc. In any event, I believe the over the counter supports are sold with out any warranty or guaranty, so I do not think you would have any actionable claim against them.


    9 10

    So no studies been done on prefabricated orthotics? Without studies, potentially they are dangerous and should come with a warning. What about a podiatrist who sells prefabricated orthotics? I purchased the OTC orthotics from a podiatrist who sold them to me on my second visit. On the first visit, he taped my foot for plantar fascitis. On the second visit, 4 days later, after he heard the taping helped, he sold me the prefabricated orthotics and said to return if I had any problems. He did not bring up stretching exercises for the achilles tendon. Being new to orthotics, I thought problems meant problems with plantar fascitis, which the orthotics resolved. By the time I stopped dismissing the pain in my toes as arthritis and started SEEING changes in the foot, the damage had been done and the adult acquired foot deformity has rapidly progressed.

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    If I may paraphrase what I think you posted, you believe that the pre-fab orthotics you wore caused you to develop damage to your feet. I posted back, that in order to prove that, double blinded studies would have to be done with an outcome that showed that pre-fab orthotics did or did not cause damage to individuals feet. Truthfully, I can not imagine how that could be studied. I did not indicate however that no studies have been done on pre-fab orthotics in general however. There is a difference. It might be a good idea for you to get another opinion about your feet from another doctor for further clarification.


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