Ankle Spain

(3 discussions)

I spained my ankle 8 days ago while playing soccer. I was in the air, got hit by another player, and fell right on it. The were no broken bones. The swelling has gone down a little, but the pain has increased for the past 4-5 days. Also, it seems less flexable, making it really hard to walk. If I stand normal, I experience like a stretching type feeling of the ligaments around the ankle that hurts a lot. I was wondering if you think I should see an orthopedist, or if it is normal for that to happen. Thanks



    9 10

    Hi, I think you should get crutches and wrap it in an ace bandage. Try to avoid putting any weight on it for awhile. Your foot needs to rest and heal. Remember rice – rest, ice, compression and elevation.Been there,Kate


    9 10

    I have been using crutches, but it still has gotten worse. My ankle seems to be getting tighter every day and also more painful. Also, I forgot to mention that I heard a popping noise when this happened. Also there is the dark bruising strip along the bottem of my foot from my toes to behind my heel, and a faded stip vertically on the sprain down. And my entire foot is very swollen and a little discolored. Is that a grade 2 or 3 sprain?


      9 10

      I sprained my ankle on 10/22 and am still dealing mostly with the extreme tightness of the muscles around my ankle and occasional twinges of sharp pain. The pain sometimes shoots up my ankle even if I’m just sitting there. You described my injury almost exact (popping noise, bruising, swelling), except I was playing volleyball, jumped up and landed wrong. I was on crutches the first week. Now I use an ankle stabilizer/wrap my PT introduced me to, which I love. 22 years ago when I sprained my ankle (age 15), it seemed to heal much quicker, so I’m just getting annoyed waiting for it to be normal. I keep waking up and thinking, “This will be the day I don’t hobble!”


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