Anterior Compartment Syndrome?

(3 discussions)

I often experience extreme difficulty in running.
In particular, my left foot feels like it is slapping against the ground and I have trouble lifting the forefoot up while in stride. Often, the end result is a burning sensation in my shins on the outside, The muscles feel like they are going to pop out of my skin! I am 5’9″ and weigh 250 lbs. Are there specific exercises I can do to strengthen the muscles in my lower legs?
Please help!Thank you.

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    May PT

    9 10

    : I am 5’9″ and weigh 250 lbs. Are there specific exercises I can do to strengthen the muscles in my lower legs? Please help!: Thank you.Tom,Please take my professional advice and see an Orthopedist ASAP! This does, indeed, sound like a case of “Anterior Compartment Syndrome”, and also sounds like you have developed some nerve damage as well. Drop Foot Syndrome is dangerous, and you need to stop any further running, take some Anti-inflammatory medications, use Ice packs (with elevation) 3-4 times daily, and see a doctor. Please let us know your diagnosis, and the prognosis, and good luck!


    9 10

    : : I am 5’9″ and weigh 250 lbs. Are there specific exercises I can do to strengthen the muscles in my lower legs? Please help!: : Thank you.: Tom,: Please take my professional advice and see an Orthopedist ASAP! This does, indeed, sound like a case of “Anterior Compartment Syndrome”, and also sounds like you have developed some nerve damage as well. Drop Foot Syndrome is dangerous, and you need to stop any further running, take some Anti-inflammatory medications, use Ice packs (with elevation) 3-4 times daily, and see a doctor. Please let us know your diagnosis, and the prognosis, and good luck!


    9 10

    Tom, Like Scott said I would go see a orthopedist right away. I had the same problem you are having a few years back. In my case I would loose the function of lifting my foot after a few minutes of running or even walking long periods of time. Also the anterior part of my legs would swell, and burn to the point where I had to sit down to wear the pain off. Eventually I had surgery “fasciotomy” I was well worth it. I was able to run for long periods of time without my feet loosing their lifting function, also my legs don’t swell up and burn anymore.


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