Basketball Injury – Cut to eyelid

My daughter recently received 7 stitches to her eyelid due to a cut from an elbow at a basketball game.
The stitches have since been removed and the doctor recommended keeping the area taped with (2) 1/4″ x 1″ strips of closure tape. After a week, she applies the tape for practice, but when she starts to sweat, the tape comes off.
Is there any other type of tape that would be recommended to cover the area other than the closure tape?

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    I use a product called skin prep on the skin first prior to putting on the tape. Sometimes we use Milk of Magnesia too….put it on the skin, let it dry, then put on the tape. This also helps the tape hold better. Be careful not to get it in the eye.


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