broken collar bone in austria!!

(2 discussions)

While I was backpacking in Europe this winter, I fell in the snow on my sholder and broke my right collar bone. I was trapped in Vienna for a month before I could move on. The Austrian doctors sent me on my way with only a cloth sling and a half-dozen pain killers. I was told it would all be alright in 6-8 weeks and it has since been almost five months. Lately I have been getting a bit of discomfort and pain, and I’m not sure if the bone is slowly starting to move around and get deformed. I am doing a bit of heavy lifting for my job.I’m scared I may screw something up or –worse– have to go into surgery to have it rebroken and recast. Please, does anyone have any advice??



    9 10

    Sean, how are things working out for you? I fractured my left clavice in Feb and a month later was putting on a shirt when I badly displaced the bone. Now my collarbone is in a distorted “Z” shape. The worst part is I just broke it again last week. Now I may have to have surgery. Do you have any insight as to whether I should have the surgery? I’m told I should not lift anything for at least 4 weeks and definitely not to reach over my head. Of course you know all about the pain. Take it easy, Tom


    9 10

    Hi, I broke my collar bone falling of a horse 5 weeks ago, I had to have surgery because the bone was broken close to the shoulder. The surgery was painless under full anasthetic. I do have a scare though and a titanium plate to hold it all together! After 3 weeks I was fine, but I have to keep remembering it’s still broken as, although I can move and everything it’s only this metal plate holding it all. I also have to get used to using my shoulder muscles again. Surgery is a good option as it fixes it all correclty. I don’t any problems moving in any direction. But I will have the plate taken out in 1 year+.


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