broken fibula

(5 discussions)

I opted to not do surgery even though that is what the O.S recommended after I broke my Fibula. A month later, I feel better, still on crutches though.Should I start applying some weight on the injured leg now??Pat



    9 10

    need a quick update on physical therapy following a hamstring pull/strain/ or slight tear with possiblity of hairline fracture of fibula only. I have iced & elevated for 3 days…can bear weight and walk..(with discomfort,) most swelling is gone..knee not affected nor is ankle. Injury due to falling backwards and slamming leg into wood pile and torking hamstring. Can I begin applying heat and is walking slowly helpful. Thanks. My pain threshold is high so I can tolerate most anything you recommend if it wouldn’t be detrimental. thanks. carolyn


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    I broke my fibula (a closed fracture just above my ankle) 2 weeks ago and have been put in a walking cast. How often should I be walking on it and how often should I rest it? I have been walking around with no crutches and wonder if I am doing an damage in doing so?


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    I broke my fibula on Dec 30 2016.I thought it was only a sprained ankle until most of the swelling went down, had a lot of discoloration, and still had a lot of pain. Went to OS and he took X ray confirming fibula fracture. I am also in Cast with a boot for 6 weeks. tomorrow is my 3 weeks appointment. I am hoping to retun to active sports for April 1st.

    May PT

    9 10

    Try putting a little weight on the injuried leg when using both your crutches…add as much weight as you can tolerate without pain. If that works out try one crutch …use it on the opposite side of the injury..why did you opt out on surgery? You are not ready to walk with no crutches if you limp or have pain when walking without them.


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      I was in a walking cast and pretty muched walked from day 1. It is a pain in the ass to get around though so I didn’t go very far. I was in the cast for 5 weeks, got it off last week. I have gained a lot of strength and flexibility back. I have an appointment in another week.


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