(4 discussions)

Three days ago while playing in a Basketball tournement.
I took an offensive charge.
I took a huge blow from an oppnents shoulder directly into the right side of my rib cage.
I could actually feel my rib flex inward from the blow.
The point of contact was directly under my right pectorial muscle.
Since sustaining this injury I have been in great pain when positioning myself to lie down. Also I cannot bend over to pick anything up.
I was told that if it were broken I’d have pain when breathing so I believe it to only be a bruise.
I’ve soaked in epsom salt and I try lying on a pillow what can I do to speed the recovery and stop the pain?



    9 10

    I was told I had bruised ribs—caused by coughing from COPD and having it clear up—-have the pain killers but hor wlong will this pain last-I am75 yrs.old===Thank you


      9 10

      I coughed very hard one day and had severe pain on my right side. I went to the emergency room and he diagnosed it as chest wall pain. It has been 6 weeks and the last week I get sharp piercing pain when I lay down on my right side. It is painful to get up. I also seem to have a dry cough which is more in the evening. During the day my ribs don’t hurt when I move around but I do get a certain amount of chest pain. Not every day but some. Could this be a bruised or cracked rib.


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    I am a 15 yr old female and I was run into by accident by a boy much bigger than myself. His shoulder hit me just under the right breast partially to the right, I have had it x-rayed and no signs of a break, but this was 6 months ago and it is just as sore as when it happened when I am physicaly active


    9 10

    I injured my upper left rib playing ultimate a week and a half ago. I lande with my arm under my ribs and tokk a pretty significant impact. I have given it a week and a half of recovery time and the pain has gone down considerably. I feel like I can work out again ie. running and biking, and would like to start my sit up and push up routine again. Should I expect pain durring this and is this ok if it is not severe? Are there exercises I should engage in


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