calf muscle crush injury

(3 discussions)

What advice would you give for someone who had a calf muscle injury from a crush? The leg is swollen and feels like a pulled muscle. Compartments syndrome has been discussed w/Dr. and ruled out but pain is still high and exists after 6 days? No fracture but bruising and swelling.
Should another visit to the doctor be made?

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    9 10

    I was pinned betweeh two cars 2.5 years ago. The doctors kept telling me that it would heal in time. To this date, if I am driving and am stuck in traffic, the let swells and becomes hypersenstive, the back right part of my calf muscle, just below the knee, gets paler than the rest of the skin. My shin hurts more. I have to lay on the couch with my foot over to edge to keep it elevated and reduce the discomfort. What can I do? Is there diagnosis or porrible diagnosis for what I am suffering from? I am tired of beting told that it wil heal in time.


    9 10

    Hi, 6 days ago my rt calf was crushed by a horse. It fell on my lege. It is not broken but feels similiar to anterior compartment syndrome BUT I have a good distal pulse. The fluid is on my shin bone and my calf muscle is solid tight. I can not sleep at night secondary to pain. What should I do? Thank you.deanne


    9 10

    My lower leg was crushed in a car door as the car started rolling into another car. The accident was two weeks ago. My calf is still numb in the main crush area, ankle is still swollen and the rear area of calf is quite sore. Is this something that will just take time or is the muscle dead in the calf. I plan to be on an 2 hour flight in a few days. Is this alright? Thank you. pg


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