Chest, scapula, ribs?

In December, 2014, I had a cold.
I couldn’t sleep because of the coughing and was up for 7 days in a row coughing. Christmas Day I woke up and both of my sides hurt below my arm pits, and my chest was a little sore. Once I had recovered, or so I thought I did, I went bowling, (1/8/05), for the first time in 5 years.
I am a right handed bowler, and bowled 5 games in a row.
The next day my body ached. All of the pain has disappeared except for the following…My right scapula is tender and sore.
The pain radiates to the area under (below) my armpit and around to my chest (above right breast). Also, the muscle in between the scapula and my arm pit is sore.
If “I baby” it and not use it and use the heating pad, ice packs, and whirl pool bath tub, then the pain will subside, but doesn’t go away permanently.
Two days ago I painted my bathroom and now it hurts again.
I have been seeing a chiropractor for the last two years and I stopped going because when I told him about all the pain his response was…Good thing it’s not on the left side”.
I started massage therapy.
Will this help?
Is there anything I can do at home?

1 Comment found

    Dr. Brian

    9 10

    By the history you provided, I would suggest that the initial pain you were having in the sides of the rib cage would probably be related to the muscles between the ribs. Patients who have had a history of repetitive coughing will have this problem, especially after a cold. The muscles between the ribs allows for slight movement expansion to help with breathing. However, these muscles can “spasm” or be strained with sudden heavy coughing. The pain in the front of the chest could be due to the cartilage that attaches the ribs to the sternum. The mechanism of injury would be the same.With regards to the right sided shoulder/axilla area pain, it sounds like the pain could come from the following 2. you may have a rib subluxation, which usually happens with coughing, or physical overactivity that stresses that area. The pain usually follows around from the back behind the shoulder blade, to the side, and sometimes to the front.
    Massage may help, but if it is a rib joint problem, then chiropractic is your best bet. It is unfortunate that your chiropractor did not listen to your problem more closely. However, since he has been working with you the past 2 years, your best bet would be to give him another chance.


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