Constant itchiness under the toenail

(7 discussions)

My right toe has a constant itch.
It doesn’t look too different except it it shiny from being itched so much. Except this itch is on the side and UNDER the nail.
I’ve put on Polysporin and Neosporin and that doesn’t seem to help and the only way to itch it is to put like 20 pounds of my weight with my foot on it and press down on it and “move” the toenail!
I wouldn’t say it really hurts, but rather itches!
It also feels good to scratch it by “moving” the nail back and forth as much as possible.
It is not one of those things that one can ignore the itch is TERRIBLE.
It is worse than poison ivy.
And itching it feels just wonderful because of how it feels before. It also felt good a while back to bend my toe almost to the point of breaking because the itch had been spread all around my toe.
Now it is mostly under my toe.
Just rubbing my toe doesn’t usually suffice.
My cuticles used to itch too, but that’s gone.
How can I get rid of this itch, and what is it?
My toenail is slightly curved, if you need to know that.
I have a small but healing cut at the side that has itchiness, too.
I have been wearing sandals.
I hadn’t been in a communal shower for a while. . . so how can I stop the itchiness???
And what is it?
I have looked everywhere on the Internet and nowhere is there anything about itchiness under toenails!
Please help it has been going on for more than a week and a half.



    9 10

    I experienced such a thing. I think untreated warm in the body could cause It.


    9 10

    What????? I expected the answer not the questionnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…!


    9 10

    So I have the same thing going on except it’s been almost two months now, and I usually just try my best to ignore it. when I first searched on how to get rid of it, it immediately brought up having a fungus infection but I wasn’t sure. Did it stop itching for you??! How do I make it stop because I can’t stand much more of it.


    9 10

    I am thinking it could be that condition where you should swallow an anti-hystamine and put on a cortizone or something?? I’m just coming up with new information to tell you all the time about it!


    9 10

    I should also add that because of this, it is very pleasurable to walk in sandals with a covered toe, unlike most toe cases. The cut on the side hurts more when I itch it than when I “itch” under the toe. The cut itches and hurts. I have ingrown toenails, or some sort of itch on my right side, once a year, but this year it strangely escalated or something! Usually I get the itch, rub it on the carpet/press it on the carpet (same sort of necessity on a smaller scale), put on Polysporin, and it goes away within a week. This seems totally different. I think this is comparable to a 5-year-old having long fingernails, no parental supervision, and chicken pox. An itch like you can’t imagine. I can’t stress that enough!

      Vivian Abrams DPM

      9 10

      Whether it is due to an ingrown nail, infection or even an underlying bone problem, I ca not tell. This needs to be examined by a podiatrist.


      9 10

      Did you found a cure?


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