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    I am in massage therophy class and we have a question that nobody can answer I am wondering what happens when you pop or crack your nuckles why thay make that sound what can happend by doing so if you could please answer this question we as in me and my class whoud be so grateful thanks a bunch


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    When you crack your nuckles it is just the fluid in your joints….i’m not totally sure what makes the noise but I KNOW that it doesn’t cause arthritis and it DOES NOT make your knuckles bigger. It is not bad for you…only cracking your neck and back is bad becasue there is weight on it…don’t quote me.. I just remember it from a talk we had during science class…Hope I can help!


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    I am 14 yrs old and I have a horrible habit of cracking my nuckles…could you please tell me of some way that can help me stop…my nuckles are already a little bigger…will they ever go back to normal? HELP!!!


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    I have a question that nobody can answer I am wondering what happens when you pop or crack your nuckles why thay make that sound what can happend by doing so if you could please answer this question . I am really mind boggled by this qestion.


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    yes I don’t know if this ROUMER ( when you pop your nuckles the get biger) is true some people tell me that it is just air passing through the joint but I really don’t know and I thought it would be interesting thing to find out…. So if you know can you please send me an e-mail so that I can know. Thank you soooo much for your time! ~Gina


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    I think that this nuckle cracking thing is cool! But….. People tell me that it is really bad for your hands but phters tell me that it is ok because it is just air passing through the joint!! What is the Answer? I am so confused by this thing! ~Gina


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    There is a fluid between your joints, that has a gas in them. When your joints become dislodged, and you crack them, they come apart, and set themselves back to normal. The popping noise you hear, is the gas popping, and not bones cracking as you probably thought!


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