Dislocated ankle

I just got back from the hospital where they just popped my ankle back in place after having it dislocated in a basketball game the other night. It was a clean dislocation meaning there was no fracture at all. Just alot of ligaments and tendons exploding.
I am just curious what the predictions would be on how long it will take to be 100% healthy.AS of right now I am in a cast for hopefully about a week or two.
Then a walking boot. And that is all I know as of right now.
So how long will it be before I can have full movement again in my ankle? And be able to even start riding abike.
I know you can’t predict my exact situation, but what would the common or average time frame be?

1 Comment found


    9 10

    Okay so I dislocated my ankle about a month ago. it was a clean dislocation, no fractures or broken bones. been in a walking boot for about a month now. just wondering how long will it be when i’ll be able to walk again.


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