Fractured radial head

(3 discussions)

I fractured my radial head in late January this Year and am still having problems with full flexionand extension. I had my elbow manipulated three weeks ago and although the surgeon mangedto get full movement when I was under anaesthetic, I still only have about 90 degree movement.Has anyone else had a similar problem? Any idea how long it will take to get full(ish) movement? Any help would be very much appreciated.



    9 10

    shattered my radial head in march and had to have the radial head replaced. tried two supination braces when the hand couldn’t turn palm up or down. neither worked for me. now CAT scan showing that the two bones in the elbow have fused together. so, I understand what you are going through. looks like for me—-another operation. so 4 months of physical therapy was for nothing. hang in there, and lets hope we get through this.


      9 10

      Thanks Sue. Sounds like you’ve had it worse than me. It seems like it is a very slow process and I too may have to have a futher op to get rid of scar tissue. Good luck and keep smiling!


    9 10

    I fractured my arm breaking radial head off on 11-25. The er dr. splinted it. The specialist said to go without the splint and to move the arm as musch as possible. While trying not to displace the radial head. Is this the usual treatment? I can move my arm but not without it feeling like things are slipping and poping out.


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