fractured tib-fib

(2 discussions)

Hi. About four days ago I fractured both my tibia and fibia during a rugby match. It was a clean break, and the orthopedist operated immediately. From what I understand, a metal rod was placed down my leg with pins inserted to hold the rod in place. My knee and ankle are fine, and my leg is moderately swollen… What I’m looking for are some therapy pointers for the few days before I see the therapist. Should I try doing leg curls? leg lifts? shin stretches? In addition, I don’t want to go lame while I’m recovering. Do you have any suggestions for diet and possible upper body aerobics that I could perform(swimming?) As you can see I’m dying to get out of here and start playing again… Thank you in advance.from a disaffected college student,Jacob



    9 10

    : from a disaffected college student,: JacobHi Jacob,what you should be doing is only gentle ankle movements at this stage, taking your toes up towards your face and down, out to the side, and in, stretches can wait as its too soon post-operatively. At this stage it is important just to keep the range of movement going, the strengthening will come later (forget the leg curls). So stick with the ankle pump exercises and listen to your physiotherapist!Also, one thing people always forget to tell you is to start massaging the scars when the scabs have gone, this will desensitize that area and promote healing. Just use some Vitamin Ecream or any moisturiser.Jenny


    9 10

    : : from a disaffected college student,: : Jacob: Hi Jacob,: what you should be doing is only gentle ankle movements at this stage, taking your toes up towards your face and down, out to the side, and in, stretches can wait as its too soon post-operatively. At this stage it is important just to keep the range of movement going, the strengthening will come later (forget the leg curls). So stick with the ankle pump exercises and listen to your physiotherapist!Also, one thing people always forget to tell you is to start massaging the scars when the scabs have gone, this will desensitize that area and promote healing. Just use some Vitamin Ecream or any moisturiser.: Jenny


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