Jones Fracture

(3 discussions)

In March of 2011, I suffered a Jones Fracture (almost complete through both cortices).
At the time, I was in a country with poor medical care and the cast with which I was fitted did nothing to help heal the fracture.
I only learned later that it was a Jones Fracture.
I have had no medical care since the first cast directly after suffering the fracture.
At present, the fracture looks exactly the same as it did the day I suffered the fracture.
I rarely have pain and for the most part can function normally.
I was told that I can wait up to 2 or 3 years before having surgery to treat the fracture without substantially affecting the success of the surgery (surgery probably involving an intramedullary screw and possible bone graft).
Would you agree or would you suggest I consult another dr. and see about getting the surgery as soon as possible?
My worry is that it will never fully heal and there will always be a fracture present, thus limiting my ability to have an active life style.
I’m a 25 year old male in good health aside from the Jones Fracture.
I’ve read your disclaimer and I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Many, many thanks, CTW


    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    I’d suggest that you get another opinion. Mine doesn’t count since I can’t see the X rays or your foot.To see is to know, not to see is to guess. Vivian A DPM


    9 10

    : I’ve read your disclaimer and I’m looking forward to hearing from you. : Many, many thanks,: CTW


    9 10

    I am a 15 year old male that has just suffered from the jones fracture and I am very scared of surgery but I am told it will be the only thing that can fix it. SO far it has riuned my sports life and is affecting everything else now. I need some opinions, help, and prayers. thank you please email me back


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