Knot below knee cap

(8 discussions)

I have had a hard knot below my knee cap for a year.
It feels like bone to me.
I have noticed the other side is the same expect dosn’t stick out when I bend my knee.
It gets sore when I do a lot of walking or sit with my foot rested on my knee for an extended amount of time.
I first noticed this after playing a lot of once a week full court basketball. Can some one have an idea what might be my problem.Thanks.

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    9 10

    : : I have never heard of anything like that before, but sounds like it may either be some sort of bone spur or maybe a small fracture. I highly suggest that you get to your doctor to look at that and he will hopefully take an x-ray…at least for your peace of mind.: Thanks for the help. I ran across this today on the net. Osgood-Schlatter Disease. This describes my experience exactly, even the knot on the patellar tendon, except that I’m 27 yrs old. Supposedly this is commonly found in Children from 10-15. Has anyone had any experience with Osgood-Schlatter?

    May PT

    9 10

    glad you found out what it might be… When you said below the knee cap I thought you meant directly just under it…not an inch below….translation gets lost sometimes with this medium…are you having any pain? If not, it’s nothing to worry about. I would suggest to stretch your quads on a regular basis if you participate in physical activity.


    9 10

    : Thanks.


    9 10

    : Thanks. I have a large knot (50 cent piece size on the right side of the bottom of my knee. At one time…maybe 10 years ago or so I was told I had some torn cartlidge in that knee. I did’nt have much of a problem so I ignored it. Sometimes over the past years I would have some pain…not alot but some. Last week I noticed the Knot had enlarged and I am absolutlely miserable. The pain is in my knee and extends to my ankle and up to my hip. I am having trouble sleeping at night and feel terrible. I have an appointment in a month to see a physician. Nothing seems to be helping…. What is this?????


    9 10

    : For the past several years, I have had really large knots on the leg bone just below the knee. They do not cause any pain unless I have to be on my knees. I have a very hard time putting weight on both my knees. I suspect they are calcium deposits but would like a proessional opinion along with a suggestion on how to correct the problem. TX Steve


    9 10

    I have a knot underneath my knee cap. It is very hard I noticed it when I was putting lotion on my legs. Is this real serious. Should I be concerned. What is it and what cause it, what should I do? Thanks


    9 10

    i have had trouble with my knees for a while since I played sports in high skool an now I have pain on both knee caps… I believe they are bone spurs bcuz they’re knots on top of my knee an it hurts wenever I jump or run if I’m still for a while then move it aches for a min then its gone


    9 10

    I was doing some crawling on my knees one day when,when my knee startrd paining below my rightknee cap,the next day apeared a soft knot,after acoupler days the knot harden and the pain went away, but the knot is still there,What is the causeof the problem?.


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