LCL injury

I hurt my knee playing basketball on Jube 15. I went to the ER and they told me I sprained it. So I wore a brace and crutches for 3 weeks. I then did it again the day I stopped wearing the brace. I went to the ER again and they said I re-sprained and strained it. I again wore the brace and crutches 2 weeks. They told me I didn’t need to wear it anymore. 2 days later I took a bad step and did it again. I did 2 more times after that. I have been to a Physical Therapist for 3 weeks now. They said that I tore my LCL. But There is still alot of pain, swelling, and instability. They said that I did not need to see a Ortho. specialist. I think I need to before I start playing sports again. I am very confused on what to do. Please help!P.S. I am 18 years old, so I will recover better.

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    : P.S. I am a 18 years old female


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