Lumbar Spinal Stenosis/Neurogenic Claudication

I am conducting some research on LLS/NC and I see the intense physical therapy required for laminectomy surgury. Since this nerve deficiency is predominant in the elderly, I was wondering if there were an excercises/therapeutic methods that could be done without the use of surgery. thank you

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    As you know spinal stenosis is a progressive narrowing of the spinal canal and no amount of therapy will prevent this from progressing. Mostly what we do in early stages of stenosis is to keep these folks out of extension positions. This causes more closing down of the foramen, which is already compromised in these folks already. We teach them flexion exercises, stretching and strengthening to tolerance and if they have pain maybe some electrical stim to manage pain. I’ve seen folks in very progressive stages of stenosis and you would think they were quadriplegics. I hope this helps. M scott PT


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