I have a mallet middle finger…really gross…and I have tried to keep a splint on it for three and a half weeks now. I was told to remove it to wash up. Hey, I’m a mom, the splint was off more than it was on.
My QUESTION is…can this thing still heal properly after all this time, if I start again with a splint that I can keep on 24/7? I cut out the handle of a plastic gallon milk carton and it fits perfectly over my finger tip even extending the tip up to a normal slant. It needs no tape and is easily removed, dried and replaced after getting wet. So, tell me, is it too late to heal this messed up tendon, or do I still have a chance to have nice looking fingers again? Charlene Grandt

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    I am dealing with a middle mallet finger at the present time. My orthopedic doctor put me in a finger brace and said I had to wear it continuously for 6 weeks. You have to be careful if you take the brace off not to let the finger tip fall down. I was told if this happened you would have to start all over with the 6 weeks deal. Tomorrow I will be able to take the brace off, my 6 weeks are up. I put a rubber glove on when I take a shower or have my hands in water. This helps. Also you can buy finger braces at Walmart. I did this before going to the doctor, but they were harder to keep on than what the doctor put on. You also will have to use adhesive tape to keep the brace from coming off.
    Good luck.


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