Medial Epicondylitis

I have been diagnosed with “tennis elbow”.
I have let this go for at least 8 months before consulting my physiatrist. I have been presecribed an anti-inflammitory and to wear an elbow splint.Does the splint need to be worn all the time, even during sleep?What other activities can cause this other than golf, tennis, gardening, carpentry, etc?
I work at a computer all day and usually sleep on my side with my arm under the pillow supporting my head. Thanks for your reply.Valerie

1 Comment found

    Terry Robinson PT

    9 10

    : Does the splint need to be worn all the time, even during sleep?: What other activities can cause this other than golf, tennis, gardening, carpentry, etc? I work at a computer all day and usually sleep on my side with my arm under the pillow supporting my head.: : Thanks for your reply.: ValerieI suggest wearing the splint only during heavy use of the arm, such as during housework or yardwork. Lots of activities can cause epicondylitis. Anything that overuses the tendons in a short amount of time can cause it. Pay carefull attention to how your elbow feels in the morning after you wake up or after a long time at the computer.


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