Metatarsal stress fracture is not healing

Doctor, I have a stress fracture of the second metatarsal . It’s 3 months old and a month and a half ago I started using crutches since it wasn’t getting better. After two weeks the inflamation stopped and I tried partial weight-bearing, but probably too soon as the inflammation soon returned. After that I’ve been non-weight bearing for 3 weeks and the swelling doesn’t go away this time. My doc says to use the walking boot even if I’m not weight bearing, but when I put it on the foot is pressing against it causing more pain. Should I still do what he says or just keep waiting? He says if it doesn’t get better I’ll need a cast – but wouldn’t my affected bone be pressing against a cast just like against the walking boot? I am so worried because nothing seems to work – any advice?

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Sometimes when the strap of the cast boot rubs my patients, I cut out a piece of foam that I buy from a fabric store. This is usually quite comfortable. It also helps eliminate motion which is what is needed for a fracture to heal properly.


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