mild heel fracture or just a bone bruise??

About a week and a half ago I feel from about 12 feet and landed with one foot on a pad, and the other off of the pad with my heel (in a thin soled shoe) striking rock fairly hard.
I had to sit down for about 20 minutes, but walked around all day with a limp.
The pain has never been very bad, but it has been a week and a half and I still have a slight limp and some pain.
Point tenderness is on the inside of my right heel, about an inch up from the bottom of my foot and an inch from the back of my ankle.
I rubbed it and can feel either some very minor crepitus or simply tendons/ligaments rubbing, I’m not sure.
Do you think I have a broken heel or just a bone bruise?
Should I just apply HIRICE and wear a compression wrap all day either way??

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    I think you should have this examined by a podiatrist or orthopedist. There is no way I can tell from your description. I think an x-ray is a good place to start. A MRI may be needed as well. Until you get this seen, I recommend ice, compression off weight bearing with crutches


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