morton’s neuroma

(2 discussions)

Hi there.
I had a morton’s neuroma 3 years ago on my right foot and had it surgically removed.
I now have one on my left foot and just got back from the hosipital after having an MRI.
( I live and work in Germany….. So it’s hospital care).
However….even though I KNOW I have the MN…..they saw nothing on the MRI.
Is it possible that it wouldn’t show up?
Should I go ahead and ask for the surgery….
I’ve had it for over a year?
When they did my right foot they also saw nothing but I was in so much pain I asked them to operate…and sure enough that is what they found.
I’ve been researching this for years….and I work and play on my feet every day.
What is your advice??
Ask for the surgery and have it done where my insurance will cover EVERYTHING…..or go to the states and get it done….on my own dime?
I’m confused.
Was the MRI my last resort?



    9 10

    I have had many years of pain and had seen 13 OS’s and poditrist, was in a pain clinic had PT and all of this since 5/2010.I had surgery on my achilles tendon 8/2010 and what a messed up job that turned out to be. I found someone who would look at my achilles tendon MRI’s with horror that no other doctor would do anything to end my 5 1/2+ years of pain and swelling. This OS did surgery 2/27/06 and removed a tumor the size of a large peach. Luckily it was benign. I have had post ops and will have surgery again in about 6 weeks to put in a tendon that is from the side of my foot right above my arch. If that isn’t big enough he will try to find one that will. If he can’t find one he said maybe a flexor something. Has anyone ever heard of a tumor this size being in an achilles tendon? He had to scrape the tumor from my tendons, muscles and everything in that area. Next time he will remove a haglunds bump that I have had since my accident in May of 2010.The other doctors I saw said it was a cyst. Now I can’t stand on my foot because there is no tendon there to hold me up. I had 17 stitches on the outside and I don’t know how many inside but they said there was a lot. What these other doctors called a haglunds bump was the tumor growing. The haglunds bump is what cut my tendon with every step I took. Thanks for letting me vent. Any comments will be grateful.

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    You pose a number of very pertinent questions. Most people think that the MRI is all knowing. Many doctors who use these will beg to differ. There are instances that the expected problem does not show up, yet is there surgically. Variables include the strength of the magnet, position the foot is in when the views are done, size of the cuts (how far apart each segment is). While it is certainly not unheard of, I do not consider a MRI the “gold standard” of diagnosing neuromas. Generally, one can diagnose it by palpating the area or even a diagnostic ultrasound (less expensive than a MRI).As far as having the surgery, you need to discuss this with your doctor and make your decision. Good luck


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