mortons neuroma surgery

(3 discussions)

I had Neuroma surgery 4 yrs. ago on both feet. The surgeon went in from the top and my recovery time was short and I have enjoyed an active life up until 6 mos. ago. Both my feet are now painful again and the surgeon tried cortisone shots (only worked for a few weeks) but he said he would recommend surgery again. This time he wants to go in from the bottom. This really worries me. I’ve heard horror stories from people who have done it this way. What do you think?



    9 10

    : I had Neuroma surgery 1 yrs. ago on both feet. I have never been free of numbness & burning. I have had medical tests to determine if there is another cause, however, no problems found. Is there anything else I can do to help this very uncomfortable problem?


    9 10

    I had 2 neuroma’s removed from the bottom of my foot. The surgeon went in between toes 2/3 but found a worse neuroma between 3/4. Suffice it to say that my recovery has been terrible with the formation of hard thick scar on my foot. I’ve tried to follow her treatment plan to the letter. I don’t know if going through the bottom is the problem but make sure you have a VERY experienced surgeon and multiple opinions on your actual


    9 10

    You should look on the Koby Surgical website:kobysurgical to see what new neuroma surgery can be performed through a small incision and leave the nerve intact. Postoperative recovery is greatly reduced and the procedure can be performed in-office or at a ambulatory surgery center.


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