Mortons syndrome (Neuroma)

(2 discussions)

My boyfriend has Mortons Neuroma. He is thinking about operation. Nothing else seems to help him. What is your experience of operation for this? What did you do to get better? How long did it take for u to be allrigth after the operation?(sorry for my spelling..)

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Best Answers

Vivian Abrams DPM

Vivian Abrams DPM

Warts on the bottom (PLANTAR) aspect of the foot are usually painful because they are on a weight bearing surface. Warts are caused by the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) The virus invaded the skin cell of the epidermis and causes a rapid growth of oddly shaped cells. Then this growth presses on the underlying dermis where thesmall blood vessels or capillaries can burst. This is the little dark dots that people often mistake for "seeds" or even a splinter. FYI virus do not form seeds. To answer your question, there is no one "perfect" cure for warts. Every doctor who treats them has had successes and failures. If there was one way, we would all do the same thing. Having said that, there are pros and cons to every treatment ranging from conservative to surgical. For plantar warts, I do not have a great deal of regard for the Dr. Scholl's wart remover products and others like it. Patient compliance is usually poor and patients do not realize that all this is doing is slowly eating the skin away. It is not specifically targetting the wart. In my office, I offer the oral medication Tagamet which must be dosed according to weight. Over the past 7 years, I have had much success using this. Note that I did not say it works on everyone, but it is about 80% on kids under 18 and 30% successful in adults. I do not know why that is. There are some other treatments that I will try, depending on the patient, and I also will do surgery if all else fails.You need to discuss all your options withj your doctor. ALso be aware not all doctors utilize every single treatment known for warts. Not all restaurants serve the same food. Good luck.



    9 10

    I’ve had a planter wart on my foot for about 3 years now. I’ve tried those patches and the acid and nothing worked. One thing that I am doing now is puting duct tape on them:) I’ve heard that puting duct tape on the warts will cure them. This is what you do: Cut a small piece of duct tape to cover the wart or warts. Keep it on for 6 days. If it comes off, just replace it with another piece. After 6 days, remove the duct tape and soak the affected area in warm water for 15min. Sleep that night with nothing on the wart. The next day, start up the 6 day treatment again! It should be gone in a few weeks. It seems wierd, but it’s worked for others, so I decided to give it a shot. It’s been only 4 days, and I can already see a difference. It’s not painful at all, so it might be the best way to go.

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Warts on the bottom (PLANTAR) aspect of the foot are usually painful because they are on a weight bearing surface. Warts are caused by the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) The virus invaded the skin cell of the epidermis and causes a rapid growth of oddly shaped cells. Then this growth presses on the underlying dermis where thesmall blood vessels or capillaries can burst. This is the little dark dots that people often mistake for “seeds” or even a splinter. FYI virus do not form seeds. To answer your question, there is no one “perfect” cure for warts. Every doctor who treats them has had successes and failures. If there was one way, we would all do the same thing. Having said that, there are pros and cons to every treatment ranging from conservative to surgical. For plantar warts, I do not have a great deal of regard for the Dr. Scholl’s wart remover products and others like it. Patient compliance is usually poor and patients do not realize that all this is doing is slowly eating the skin away. It is not specifically targetting the wart. In my office, I offer the oral medication Tagamet which must be dosed according to weight. Over the past 7 years, I have had much success using this. Note that I did not say it works on everyone, but it is about 80% on kids under 18 and 30% successful in adults. I do not know why that is. There are some other treatments that I will try, depending on the patient, and I also will do surgery if all else fails.You need to discuss all your options withj your doctor. ALso be aware not all doctors utilize every single treatment known for warts. Not all restaurants serve the same food. Good luck.


    9 10

    Why Tagamet? I have heard that I couple of time, but do not understand why this drug would be helpful for the treatment of plantar warts. Tagamet is an H2-blocker, right? What is the connection?Gubo


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