muscle cramps front of shin

When I go walking I get muscle cramps in the front of my shins.
I do warm up and stretch before walking, but still get cramps after walking about a quarter mile.
The cramps do go away after about a mile or two.
I’m not sore after walking, and I do stretch afterwards.Am I just not doing enough prep work before walking?
Is my technique wrong? Could it just be muscle fatigue?
It’s not THAT painful, but it sure is annoying.

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    9 10

    I’ve been training for the last 6 months to race-walk in a marathon. This is my first experience doing this. At first, I got the muscle cramps in front of my shins just as you described them. My coach reassured me this would go away as my leg muscles developed strength. Sure enough, after about 6 weeks, I no longer experienced the cramping. Hope this is helpful.


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