nail biting

I am a 43 year old male and I have been biting my nails for as long I can remember. Many times I have tried to stop but would still find myself doing it again. I have been seeing a chiropractor for about 6 months for lower back pain which would cause my back to go out many times over the years, and have had tremendous results. During this time I noticed I stopped biting my nails. I don’t even have the urge to bite them anymore. I know this may sound funny, but did chiropractic care have anything to do with this? If it did, I’d like to share this with my chiropractor.

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    You may be a nervous person or under stress that you may or may not be aware of. Chiropractic relieves nerve irritation and helps your nervous system function at its highest capacity. Could be that your nervous system is now functioning more normally allowing you to deal with outside stresses more efficiently thus eliminating the need for you to bite your nails.


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