Nerve damage

I wrote several weeks back regarding a foot injury I incured about 8 weeks ago slipping the wrong way on a staircase.
I have been in an aircast for 5 weeks and recently finally had my podiatrist order an MRI. The results came back today showing no visible damage. Its in the Planter facistis(sp) area of my foot where the pain lies.
The aircast has definitly helped and I am glad to see there is no major damage per the MRI.My Podiatrist said that the burning stingling sensation that I am feeling alot of is more than likely due to nerve damage.
He gave me exercises to do and said take the boot off and start walking again and kind of blew off the nerve damage other than saying it could take yrs to totally heal.
I guess my question to you is, is there anything I can do to heal the nerve other than just live with it?…
I am very active and have always exercised regularly so this is really bothering me to think I may never be totally able to run normally for a long time to come.
He has not mentioned a neurologist or phyical therapy of any kind other than the 2 exercises he gave me to do on my own. Any guidence you could give me would be much appreciated.

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    i just had ‘nerve release’ surgery on the outside of my left ankle. I have been dealing with this problem for a little under a year. I can sympathise, because nerve injuries are unpredictable and very painful. there is medicine called ‘neurontin’ that my doctor gave me before and after the surgery. it helps with the pain. maybe look it up and mention it to your doc.but all I can say is that they take a very very long time to heal. and if you are getting concerned with your doc, you can always get a second opinion. good luck!justin


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