numbness in feet / tight ankles

The balls of my feet nd my toes are numb. Also my ankles are very tight.
Some days the numbness isn’t as much as other days.
This started about 5 years ago.
I saw a podiatrist and he thought it was due to pinched nerves in my feet.
He gave me special insoles for my shoes to unpinch the nerves. A few weeks ago I saw another podiatrist and he said it was dues to a bluging disc in my back and that he sees it a lot.
He said I should see a chiropractor.
I had a blood test that ruled out dubieties and things like that.
I haven’t lost any strength in my feet or legs and can exercise and do everything I did before this started.
I don’t like to jog though becasue of my tight ankles. What’s causing this?
Who should I see?

1 Comment found


    9 10

    I am being treated for tight sole. right sole tighter whreas the left one is almost normal. Homeopath has prescribed Apis mel, MagphosKaliphos Passiflro. I have insomania as well. I smoked for 40 years. Now I am free from the habit since one yerar. Homeopath said that nicotine has settled down in the feet and the blood circulation is affected. I am also doing naturopath, accupressure, reflexology etc. any help adh suggestion will be appreciated.


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