Numbness in Toes

I have Gotten a numbeness in my toes. This has been going on for the past 2 days… It started when I was outside in teh Garage painting cabinets for my kitchen… I spent a lot of time leaning onto that foot which eventually starting feeling numb. It is only my second toe on the rigth foot, but the the meaty part of the foot (Fleshy area under the toes), has a bit of numbness as well… How long should I wait till I should see a doc?

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    This sounds like it might be a Morton’s neuroma. That is an enlargement of the sheath of one of the intermetatarsal nerves due to chronic irritation. It is a common foot problem. To be sure, see a podiatrist for confirmation and treatment options.


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