Patella tendonitis

(2 discussions)

I am a 42 year old basketball player with patella tendonitis in both knees.
I’m looking for a comfortable brace that will give me support below the kneecap and not slip while I play.
I have tried a couple without good success. Electrical tape has worked fairly well. Also interested in any weight training you would reccommend to build up muscles around knee to minimize deterioration.



    9 10

    I am a 16 year old, and I have just been diagnosed with patella tendonitis, and I am having trouble coping with the fact that my volleyball capability will never be the same. Could you PLEASE send me some info about htis, and what am I in for in the future. thanks


      9 10

      We are in the same boat you are! Our daughter who plays volleyball in college is suffering from patella tendonitis as a result of ACL surgery. It is very frustration because, like you, she wants to get back into the game. She is currently doing physical therapy to strengthen her quad muscle which in turn causes the tendonitis. It is a vicious circle. Rest is the best and research a little. Best of luck to you. We know exactly where you are coming from. We are HUGE volleyball fans, both boys and girls, and want to see her play again.


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