Please let me know what physical therapy I can do for my middle finger on my left hand. I dislocated it and now I can not bend it very much. Thank You

1 Comment found


    9 10

    Stretch Hamstrings and Quads 3 – 4 times a day, for a month this will help you tremendously. Also, look into (MRT) Muscle Relief Therapy, with stretching. Do this and you should get better.


    9 10

    i have had osgood shlatter disease for nearly a year now, when I first got it I went to the doctors, he told me I should take 6 weeks of playing any sports and that I should avoid stairs when possible. Once I returned to him 6 weeks later he said the lump under my knee had gone down but it is still there,and still the same size, it does not hurt all the time, it only hurts when it comes into contact with something or when it is hit.
    This affected my G.C.S.E. P.E. result a bit because it was last year when I first suffered the injury, I am now in college and I do alot of sports. I would like to now more information on this injury as I would like to now how to get rid of it.


    9 10

    Greetings all,
    I’ve just gone to the doctor today about a pain in my right knee right below the cap. I’ve had this pain for about 4 years now and it has never gone completely away. Now that I am in the Military and do PT (Physical Training) every day, I was forced to be put on a special program in which use of my knees and legs are limited. There is talk that surgery is in order, and I may never completely heal from this. I am currently on anti-inflamatory drugs and I wear a brace all day which believe it or not, releives a lot of the pain. The excersizes do not help all that much. I know, I stretch every single day and it has not gone away. Best strategy that I know of is just to stay off of it. A little excersizing where you sit in a chair and lift your leg up parallel to the ground for 30 seconds at about 5 repetitions will help as well. You might want to look into the possibility of surgery because there are cases where it is “curable” yet keep in mind that even if it is “fixed” it will never be right again and special care must be taken with your knee afterward.
    I hope this has helped someone out there.


    9 10

    Hello all,
    My name is Fiona, I am a third year podiatry student. I had osgoods when I was younger but not any more. The condition is actually an osteochondroses of the tibia (your shin). The condition is self-limiting, which means that when your tibia stops growing, the pain will go away. This should usually happen around 16 years of age, or later. I had physio therapy and strapped my knees medially with tape. This I found helped me very much. Although I did give up all the sports I was doing to reduce the inflammation I found that swimming was wonderful as is it non-weight-bearing exercise.


    9 10

    I was diagnosed with this as a child, and only just learned that it could affect me as an adult. This explains many problems with my knee that I had not even thught about. I have considerable pain in my one knee, that seems to be exaserbated by harsh activites, but I thought I might just be out of shape. I want to find out more about it to understand what is best to do and what not to do. Help? Thanks to whoever put this site up!


    9 10

    I am currently 22 and was diagnosed with osgood-schlatter’s disease when I was in grade school and I was banned from sports. I am still living with this disease today and I am not sure if there is a cure for it. If there is, I would also like to know because this disease has caused me a horrendous amount of pain.


    9 10

    I wrote before when I first found out that I still suffer from this problem? I was mistaken about the activities asserbating the problem. Sitting seems to make it hurt more maybe not ‘make’, so much as it hurts more after being immobile. I would like any info that I can get on this condition and what will make it worse. I know that I prob need the knee brace, but I wanted some other type of info as well.
    Thanks. Mary


    9 10

    I have had this disease in my knee since I was 16 years old, Ihave had a bone chip taken out at the age of 17. After all that I was told the pain would go away. I am now 28 and still have the pain. I have been to my doctor many times every time he comes up with a different reason why it still is bothering me. He says weight is an issue. Or was because I was overweight, but I am not now and it still bothers me. I don’t know where to turn now. I am very active and don’t want to give up sports. Anybody know anything I don’t?


    9 10

    I have been to multiple websites sarching for osgood shlatters disease. I have had it for awhile but I have never realy noticed. But lately it has been killing me. I am only 11. My question is, what might happen since I have osgood-shlatter at such a young age? I have been trying to schedule a doctors appointment for it. Another question is, school is starting and I always play basketball,
    Do you think I will be able to play with osgood shlatter’s?


    9 10

    i have osgoods too, I’m 14 and I have it since I was twelve. Just wear a patella strap and you’ll be able to play. I play rugby and cricket with it and i’m fine. Not as fast as I used to be though!


    9 10

    Hi I am 14 and I have had Osgoods for almost 9 years and it just doesn’t seem to get better. My doctor said that I should just live through the pain but it has caused me to not do track basketball volleyball and softball these are the sports that I play. He told me this about 3 years ago when it didn’t get better. Then on Saturday we went to get physicals for next years sports and the specialist said that I have to have surgery but he said it was my choice if I wanted to. What should I do?


    9 10

    I have had osgood shlatter disease for like 7 mounths and it doesn’t look its getting better. First the doctor told me that it would take 1-2 mounths but it didn’t. I want to do sports.


    9 10

    hi my 11 yrold son has had osd for 6months appox. He did a lot of football and is in an athletics club. He has stopped doing competitions now but he has got it on boths knees. Is there any exercises he can do to help?


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