Plantar Fasciitis

I have Plantar Fasciits, but I am not overweight (5’5″ 118 lbs.) and my calf muscle is apparently so flexible it’s ridiculous (my foot bends up more than the norm as per PT and DPM), so those two prime causes aren’t true in my case.
I almost always wear good quality athletic shoes, and that has been true my whole life, so poor shoes could not have been a contributing factor.
Orthotics do not seem to be helping (they actually seem more UNcomfortable than my normal shoes).
I have iced, used various Rx anti-inflammatories, used a Rx topical anti-inflammatory/ muscle relaxant, tried night splints and gone to physical therapy (ultrasound and stretching).
Still there has been no relief.
What is left (other than surgery which hasn’t been recommended)?
I’m about to try something radical like running till my feet fall off to see if the opposite kind of treatment will help.
What kind of advice can you give me given my “non-classical” case.

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    You certainly have had a good deal of conservative treatment for your problem. One thing that you did not mention was injection of cortisone. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, as I seem to write for most of these responses, I would know a lot more if I examined you. However, if I had done all these treatments, and we were not getting anywhere, then I would discuss surgery. If I was not sure about the diagnosis, I might consider other potential causes of heel pain, such as a bursitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, stress fracture, and even referred pain from the low back. These are just a few of the other things that we see in the heel area. To see is to know, not to see is to guess.


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