Post Surgery – Torn Maniscus R Knee

1 year ago I had a partial maniscusectomy from doing step aerobics about 3 times a week for a few years.
I now have more pain than before the surgery because so much maniscus was removed and I have no cushion between the bones. I cannot walk or dance without pain from the bones being so close together. Is something being developed like a sponge insert that would cushion my pain?
I do not want a knee replacement, but this really hinders my activity level and my life.

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    I had a patient once who had cartilage transplanted, but he could not weight bear or bend the knee for 6 weeks. It’s a long recovery and a longer rehab. I guess short of a total knee replacemnt that would be the next best option. If you are young and healthy this may be the way to go.


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