Pulled Calve Muscle

(3 discussions)

Hello – I’m a 36 year old male and for the last 6-8 years I have had chronic calve muscle pulls.
I was very athletic growing up with no problems at all. I played all sports. Now, starting in my late 20’s I have this problem.
I really try and stretch well before running (long jogs), playing basketball and tennis etc.
It’s almost a guarantee that I will pull my calve muscle if I try and take it up a notch if that make sense. Any quick hard movement causes a pull.
What do I do?



    9 10

    I may have a torn calf muscle. Thank you for your advice. Rita


    9 10

    I have just had a chronic calf muscle strain and I need advise what to do to start early rehab.


    9 10

    About 1 month ago while playing basketball, a guy hit my calve with his knee. While it was painful I thought nothing more than what they call a charlie. The next day my calve was sore and I was limping, despite my discomfort I played another game of basketball. This is when problems really started, It was very painful I was limpimp more and I also noticed a bruise on my calve. I don’t know if it’s from the knee impact or if I just pulled a calve muscle. Today it’s still tender and I don’t know what to do.


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