Radial Head Fracture

2 weeks ago I shattered my radial head.
I had surgery to have bone fragments taken out and a screw put in. Yesterday I was taken out of my soft cast and told to start moving it and rotating and come back in 3 weeks. Are there PT exercises I can/should be doing to get the range of motion back in my arm.
I cannot fully straighten my elbow and cannot fully rotate my arm.
I’m hoping it is still early enough that I can get full range of motion back so I can get back to playing ball which is how this happened and yes it is my shooting hand!

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    PLEASE ask your doc if you can have some physical therapy. Why these docs think people can go it along just boggles my mind. You could use some massage and manual stretching. Those things you cannot do by yourself.


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