Red, itchy, swollen toes, itchy toe nails on both feet

At least once a year I have this horrible redness come to my feet.
The toes start to itch, turn red have what looks like blisters, but are real slick red bumps.
The toe nails itch so bad that I have to cut them way back.
I have been putting monostate on them and it helps for a while.
Have soaked them in vinegar, baking soda and tried what ever someone recommends. It got so bad at one time my toes turned black.
I had a stroke later on, not due to that, but I did not have the itchy toes for a few years.
Now it is back and unless it is really bothering me I forget to tell the Dr and when I do and do not have it he can not tell me because he can not see it.
What could it be.
I thought it was my suede shoes and I quit wearing them but found out that was not it.
Appreciate you feedback on this.

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Really without seeing the problem and examining you, I do not have enough information to even guess. My suggestion is that you discuss this with a podiatrist and then advise them that you might need to be seen with the problem on an emergency basis.


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