Regarding Foot Surgery

NOTE**I am only speaking for myself as a foot surgeon.
Whenever I discuss foot surgery with my patients, I place a great deal of emphasis on the post operative course.
There are several points I make: 1.
The foot is the only part of the body that gets cut on and patients expect to walk on it right away.
Gravity is the enemy of healing.
The more one is on it too soon, the more one will swell.
There is nothing magic about 6 weeks.
Sure one should feel better then than immediately after a surgery, but there are many variables to consider.
The procedures done, the age and health of the patient, the activities and compliance of a patient all are factors.
Almost always patients are surprised to learn these things which doesn’t surprise me anymore, but it used to.
Many doctors don’t explain the post op course or they underplay it.
I would rather have a patient not have an elective procedure done than come back unhappy.
I sleep better that way. So to those of you who take the time to read this, I hope this helps you consider your options.
Ask the doctor questions folks- it’s your body!

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    : Whenever I discuss foot surgery with my patients, I place a great deal of emphasis on the post operative course. There are several points I make:: 1. The foot is the only part of the body that gets cut on and patients expect to walk on it right away.: 2. Gravity is the enemy of healing. The more one is on it too soon, the more one will swell.: 3. There is nothing magic about 6 weeks. Sure one should feel better then than immediately after a surgery, but there are many variables to consider. The procedures done, the age and health of the patient, the activities and compliance of a patient all are factors. : Almost always patients are surprised to learn these things which doesn’t surprise me anymore, but it used to. Many doctors don’t explain the post op course or they underplay it. I would rather have a patient not have an elective procedure done than come back unhappy. I sleep better that way.: So to those of you who take the time to read this, I hope this helps you consider your options. Ask the doctor questions folks- it’s your body!


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