Rehab for Broken Tibia

(2 discussions)

I broke my Tibia about 1/3 of the way up from my ankle on the last Saturday in May. (4 Wheeler accidnet) It took a long time to heal, I didn’t have any hardware. As of Oct 10, I am full weight bearing and trying to work on flexibility and strength. I am trying to get ready to Snowboard the last week in Jan. I need to know what I can do to get ready. Walking is still painfull at the fracture site, I’m not sure if it is bone pain, or soft tissue on callus. I can’t get myself to jog yet. Fast, non-limping walking is pretty painful, and I can balance on the bad leg, but can’t do a calf raise with it. Any advice on an exercise/stretching program with duration, intensity, and recover time would be greatly appreciated. Also, do anti-inflamitories reduce circulation around the fracture site, and should they be avoided?-Scott



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    : -ScottScott, I broke my Tibia about four inches above the ankle bone 12 days ago, at first I was told it was a sprained ankle. After about a week my foot had and calf had turned black with bruising and I was getting bad night sweats. I went back to another doctor who sent me for xrays. needless to say the came back as a “stable fracture of the tibia” the doctor basically told me to walk it off. I got no pain meds no cast or velcro boot not even an ace bandage. I was wondering is this the normal treatment for such an injury and what is you experience with doctors. I see your break is higher than min but it is the same bone. the doctor repeated a number of times that it is a non weight bearing bone, but I hope I am not doing permanent damage to it by walking on it. I picked up a pair of used crutches from the Salvation army store, as soon as I get them adjusted I will try them out. By the way I am uninsured I hope that doesen’t have anything to do with my level of treatment. Bill


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    I broke my Tibia in July of 2013 when I was hit by a car while riding my bicycle. My break was vertical from the knee down and had 2 pins and a bone graft at the knee. I had a full leg brace for 10 weeks and have been in physical therapy since October 2013.I have achieved a 125 degree bend and can get to 4-5 degrees from straight. I go to PT 3 times a week but have made little progress in straightening… I am thinking about going for a physical manipulation to help with the straightening?Any thoughts…


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