Right Shoulder Extreme Pain

While using a cybex machine two weeks ago I injured my right shoulder and rotator.
I am experiencing pain constantly as though it were a break! Talking over the counter pain releivers and am still working out on treadmill and other cybex machines but not anything to do with arms… It is constant and effects my whole right arm down to the thumb, oh wow! What can I do to help this condition?
I am self employed biz person and have to keep working-please help me? Thank you.
Sincerely Jim Bauknight

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    I am having shoulder pain….for 4 months. I posted here ions ago, but no responses.
    Anyhow, have you seen an orthopedic? You may have torn your rotator cuff. If it is a large tear, it won’t heal on its own, it will probably get worse until surgery is performed to fix it. If it is tendonitis or bursitis, there are other things they do that usually help before surgery. Not in my case, I am supposed to have surgery soon. PT, meds, shots, nothing has helped.
    Good luck!


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