Ruptured blood vessal in arm

Hey, I was out surfing today and when I got home I realized that my left bicep was very tender. To my surprise there was a blue pool of blood collecting under the skin, about the size of 3 quarters. If you were to stick your left arm out in front of you with your palm up and drew a diaganal line from your chin to your bicep muscle (the part closest to your chest) that’s where I have this bruise… It’s a little closer to my elbow than to my armpit. How serious is this? Can I still workout? What should I do? Thanks so much!! -Rob

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    Rob,Sorry that nobody was able to reply to you sooner, but several people respond to this board when we have the time, and so it might take a few days before someone replies. Also, we sometimes respond directly to emails that are either within our different areas of expertise, or ones that cannot be answered in this brief format. As for your injury, I think you should be better by today if you had a mild to moderate strain, and have been resting and applying ice. If you are either not getting better, or getting worse, you need to be seen by either a MD, PT, or ATC for an examination and evaluation. Keep using the ice, and resting the arm until you get examined. You might also want to take some Advil for the pain and inflammation until you are seen. If you are getting better on your own, and continue to heal, feel free to write back for some follow-up advice. Good luck.


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