scapular winging

I have noticed that my son who is 9 months old has scapular winging on just his Right side. Besides going to the doctor, what kind of exercises/ positioning could she be doing to strengthen her scapula area?

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    9 months is very young to be worried about a potential postural defect. If the limb is working in a pain free manner, I wouldn’t worry too much. The problem with getting medical assessment at this age is that you can’t ask the patient to do the required arm movements to check for pain or functional deficit, so that you are then left with a visit to a high power specialist to assess Serratus anterior muscle electrical activity. If there is a deficit, you risk being offered surgery at an age when it would still be experimental. Better to wait until “adult” movement patterns are in place and causing obvious pain or functional problems. Surgeons are then in a much better position to plan appropriate surgery to correct those problems. A good postural exercise can be located by following the link: ‘Scapular Winging: Pictures and Management’


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