
I’m 16 years old and last October I was diagnosed with scholiosis. Ever since I was in the 8th grade, I started having pains in my right shoulder. I get these very sharp pains that hurt all day long and I have become so used to them that I don’t even notice anymore unless I pay really close attention. Anywho, my orthopaedic surgeon told me that my scholiosis was only 15 degrees, so I don’t surgery or anything like that. As for my shoulder, he gave me some exercises and told me it would go away. Well, the pain is still here and is now also going to my left shoulder. He also told me that my scholiosis must have started in 8th grade because that’s when I stopped growing (I’m only 5’2″). I constatntly get lower back pains and shoulder pains. Is the shoulder pain because of scholiosis? Also, I am in the school marching band and everytime I march or in parades, my lower back hurts ALOT! Can you please tell me if I should be marching or not? Thank you.

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    Hi my name is maribel I’m 15 and I had surgery on my back april 1st well the results are great I don’t look hunched anymore but the recovery is very painful its hard to sleep sit and walk I’m in pain almost all day but if anyone is thinking about getting surgery I think you should do it its painful but you’ll learn to controll the pain and you’ll look and feel better after


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