Severe foot pain.

(4 discussions)

I’ve been having terribly severe pain in my foot between my little toe and my ankle.
It started off as a dull ache but then turned to full blown pain.
I have had chronic foot pain for almost 2yrs.
I have spent a fortune in shoes and insoles.
Nothing helps.
I have been diagnosed with plantar fascitis but this is different.
Also, my toes on both feet have been numb for almost 3 days. What could this be??
Tanya Sparks


    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Have you seen a neurologist for this problem?


    9 10

    No, I went to see a orthopedic doc this evening. He said that it was just the plantar fascitis acting up. He gave me a cortizone shot and sent me home. The only relief I get seems to be when I wear my cast boot that they gave me the last time I was having a flare up. Is it ok to wear a cast boot after a cortizone injection?

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Certainly it is a very good idea, it rests the foot in a good position while allowing ambulation. The question youi might next ask is how long to wear it- the answer is I’m not sure, but I would suggest more than a few days-at least untilyou can tell an improvement. It would also helpto sleep in it.


    9 10

    Thank you so much for the advice. I appreciate your input into this matter.Tanya


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