severe leg toe and foot pain

my husband has been suffering with severe pain in his legs and feet. he said that it starst at his knee and radiates to his big toe. He said that his feet feel like they are on fire and his toe is numb. but it feels like a toothache in his big toe. sometimes the pain is so bad that he can’t even stand for his pants to touch his skin. and he is having difficulty in wanling and stays tired ( he can’t sleep because of the pain. Our Dr. said poor circulation but did no test. he has good heartbeat in feet.we need some help he can’t go on like this. pleas any advise

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Without examining him I can not say for sure. If he has peripheral vascular disease, then an interventional cardiologist would be a thought. If he has peripheral neuropathy, then a neurologist might be where to go. Have you seen any other doctor?


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