shoulder injury

A 16-year-old male slid head first while playing baseball.
He complained of pain in the anterior portion of the right shoulder. An orthopedic surgeon wanted to do an MRI arthrogram just because of the nature of the injury. The surgeon said the physical exam was relatively negative. Opted for PT rather than MRI. Started physical therapy including untrasound and a serious of exercises using light weights and bands.
Has been 4 weeks now but some pain persists especially when he bears weight on the shoulder (like when going a push up or falling onto his hands).
He can swing a bat with no problem and can throw the ball but does have some residual pain with that motion. The pain is not inside the joint but at the very top of the arm in the front. There is point tenderness when this site is touched but nothing visible. No diagnosis was ever made. Any additional treatment suggestions would be welcome. Not interested in invasive testing or surgical intervention at this point.

1 Comment found


    9 10

    I have the same type of pain in my shoulder. I got it lifting weights. I can’t pinpoint the exercise or when it happened, It just started hurting. If someone knows what it is or how to rehab, please let me know.


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