siatic pain during pregnancy

hi my friend during pregnancy had terrible siatica. it was so bad that she had to use cruches on the las t few months to help her to walk.problem now is that her baby is now 8 mths old and shes still having this trouble but not as bad.shes had P/T but nothing sceems to help the pain. can u give me some advice which I can pass to her

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    I had the same problem. It all started in my 7th month. I thoughth it was because I gained some fluid. Well my baby is now 4 months old and the pain has increased. I take 4 ibprofins every 4 to 5 hours depending on level of activity. I recently went to a neurologist and then had a MRI. Well unfortunately I have a bulding disk between L5 and S1. I am only 22 yrs old, and I felt as though I am too young to be having such a serious problem. I went to school for massage therapy so I know some what the ends and outs of all this. I was hoping I would just be a little inflamation, but I am not that lucky. but it can be helped. There are many ways to treat this either with medication, or injections. She should probably have this checked out buy a doctor that can get her an mri. It can get worse if its not treated.


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