Son Collar bone…help!

Over 12 years ago, when my son was 8 years old he hurt his clavical area.
He could move his arms with not too much pain, up, down, all around.. – I was young and broke and he didn’t seem that hurt. So I didn’t take him to the emergency room. Years later, when I did have money – I took him to the emergency room after he hurt his shoulder in a foot ball game.
The Dr. came in and showed me a xray with a past broken clavical. Right in the middle – broken in two – that healed in a T shaped connection.
I have no idea where that sharp tip is.
My son can bench press 350 lbs. Strong and healthy as an ox. But I was devastated and have had many sleepless nights thinking I didn’t do him right when he was 8 years old. Now I read that Dr.’s now days don’t put the brace on…(I myself had a broken clavical when I was young)… Do all broken clavicals look like this?? a T shaped heal?

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    Dee Dee,You can put your mind to rest. I worked with a pediatric orthopedist recently, and he would not routinely put kids into the old “Figure-of-Eight” straps like we used to routinely do years ago. Recent studies have showed that typical clavicular fractures (in kids) tend to heal nicely no matter what you do for them: in fact, it is almost impossible for then not to fully heal when the kids are this young. The only exceptions are when the bone ends either tent towards the skin (which could lead to a open fracture), or tent in towards the great vessels of the heart (which could become a true emergency). Most of the fractured ends simply tend to overlap each other, and will heal fine just as they are. Hopefully you will read this, and finally be able to put your mind to rest. Please let us know if you read this reply.


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